Precision sheet metal processing plant is also sheet metal processing plant. In fact, they are the same concept. There is a difference between them, and that is precision. From traditional hand workshops to equipment processing, sheet metal processing accuracy has been greatly improved. However, much remains to be done to reach the precision sheet metal processing plant.
Precision sheet metal processing plant is also sheet metal processing plant. The two are actually the same concept. There is a difference between the accuracy of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From traditional hand workshops to equipment processing, sheet metal processing accuracy has been greatly improved. However, much remains to be done to reach the precision sheet metal processing plant.
The difference between sheet metal machining and precision sheet metal machining is the precision of processing:
The general sheet metal processing accuracy is between 0.2 and 1mm. Precision sheet metal processing plant processing accuracy is generally less than 0.2mm.
Precision sheet metal uses high-precision CNC sheet metal equipment, suitable for large and small batch product processing. It has the characteristics of short processing cycle, high precision and good uniformity.
The difference between sheet metal machining and precision sheet metal machining is the sheet metal unfolding process: the impact on sheet metal part machining accuracy includes machining equipment and sheet metal unfolding dimensions. Precision sheet metal requires more precise cutting dimensions, which requires more specialized sheet metal unfolding techniques. Accurate sheet metal unfolding requires a skilled sheet metal process engineer. Therefore, the transition from ordinary sheet metal to precision sheet metal requires the following conditions: equipment upgrade, technology upgrade, process upgrade, management improvement and so on.